Sometimes it is easier to say what you are against than what you are for. Unfortunately such is often the case with Reformed evangelism. Those who have come to Calvinistic convictions are quick to protest high-pressure altar calls and indiscriminate use of the sinner’s prayer on hapless souls. We object to big numbers over deep discipleship. We shake our heads when shallow methodologies get more attention than weighty doctrine. We know what we are “against”. But what are we “for”? How exactly do those with Reformed convictions “do” evangelism? How do the ordinary means of grace shape how we proclaim the Gospel?
Too many times, Arminian-leaning evangelicals accuse Calvinists of not doing evangelism or not believing in evangelism, merely because they don’t see them holding tent revivals and giving altar calls. But in the history of the church, there are many examples of Reformed believers doing evangelism and missions. Calvin sent missionaries to other parts of Europe, and to Brazil. Early Presbyterian and Calvinistic Baptist missionaries went to Korea, China, India, Burma and Africa. Reformed believers today continue to proclaim the Gospel around the world. It is undeniable that Reformed believers “do” evangelism, but how do we do it? How should we do it? Do we copy the methods that everyone else is using, but simply talk more about sin and predestination?
How can we work out a methodology that is consistent with Reformed theology? At the Southeast Asia Reformed Conference, our panel discussion on “Reformed Evangelism” will explore this topic, looking to offer a positive, constructive discussion about how Reformed believers can actively make known the message of Christ and obey the Great Commission.
We serve a Sovereign God who has chosen us in love for His good pleasure to honor him in all areas of our life — and this is Good News! And it must be proclaimed! God has given us in His Word all that is necessary for life and godliness, including sharing the Gospel. Come join us this November as we discuss the outworking of Reformed theology in our evangelism, in the context of the Asian cultures where we work.
Not going to be able to attend this unfortunately. Would there be a video or transcript of sort available from this conference? Thanks.
Yes. We will record audio for the majority of the plenary sessions and workshops, and then post it on the website. Check back in December and hopefully we will have it up.