One of the perennial questions about Christianity in Thailand is why the church has traditionally grown so slowly compared to other countries where Protestant missionaries arrived around the same time. Ultimately, we don’t know for sure why the church grows
Why Missionaries Need Teams
If you had 12 missionary families (or pairs of singles) and an unreached people group numbering millions of people spread over a large geographic area, how would you place them for optimal church planting effectiveness? Would you pick 12 key
How Pastoral Training Should Be Done
If we were to survey church leaders around the world and throughout history about the best way to train pastors, what do you think they would say? Would there be a consensus about how it should be done? Would they
Where Do We Go Now? Three Streams of Revelation
How do we hear from God? Where should we look for authoritative revelation from God about what to believe and do? In the 16th century, those questions were hot topics and they are no less crucial and relevant for the church
Why the “Southeast Asia Reformed Network” is now the “Southeast Asia Network for the Gospel”
In 2013, the Southeast Asia Network for the Gospel began when a small group of missionaries came together to organize an annual conference to think about ministry issues in the Southeast Asia context from a Reformed perspective. At that time,
7 Ways to Promote the Sufficiency of Scripture (Part 3)
The vast majority of evangelical churches today would affirm the authority of Scripture but when you look at what is actually being taught from the pulpit, the Bible barely makes a cameo appearance. Authority may be affirmed, but the sufficiency
Why People Deny the Sufficiency of Scripture (Part 2)
In many places today, we often don’t see the Bible at the center of the life and worship of the church. Whether it is the pulpit, Sunday school classroom, small group studies, or personal conversations about God and His will,
The Insufficiency of Scripture (Part 1)
If you walk into any evangelical or pentecostal church, you are unlikely to find a pastor or church leader who will deny the authority or inerrancy of the Bible. Those parts of the Reformation doctrine of sola scriptura are not
2014 Conference Audio Now Available
We are pleased to announce that the audio for all plenary sessions and workshops from the 2014 SEA Reformed Conference is now available. Click here to see a list of download links for all sessions, together with short descriptions (and
Is Orality the Enemy of Expositional Preaching?
In recent years, the concept of orality has gotten a lot of attention in mission circles… and not all of it has been good. Proponents of orality hail it as a key insight into the way in which some people