I’m sure we’d all agree that our missionary and evangelistic methods should be derived scripturally. However, how many of these methods have actually considered the nature of the world religions from biblical perspective. Surely, this must be one of our
Honour and Shame: A Review of “Saving God’s Face” by Jackson Wu
As a relatively new missionary working in Thailand, I’ve become aware of differences between my home culture and the culture of the country in which I work. One of these differences is that the West is a guilt-based culture, where-as
Proclaiming Christ in Asian Contexts
It is just a week away from the first Southeast Asia Reformed Conference. We’re excited that a good number of missionaries will be attending from several countries in this part of Asia. We’re praying that we will enjoy good fellowship
Proclaiming Christ from the Old Testament
After his resurrection as Jesus walked to Emmaus with two of his friends, he explained to them that his life, death and resurrection was foretold in the Old Testament. Luke summarises: “and beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he