God has appointed the preaching of the gospel as the principal means of bestowing His grace which comes through faith (Rom 10:17). One must believe with his heart in the Lord Jesus and confess Him with his mouth in order
The Gospel Divides
The Gospel divides, as the Apostle Paul would like to remind us in 1 Corinthians 1:17,18! “Christ sent me … to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect.
7 Ways to Promote the Sufficiency of Scripture (Part 3)
The vast majority of evangelical churches today would affirm the authority of Scripture but when you look at what is actually being taught from the pulpit, the Bible barely makes a cameo appearance. Authority may be affirmed, but the sufficiency
Why People Deny the Sufficiency of Scripture (Part 2)
In many places today, we often don’t see the Bible at the center of the life and worship of the church. Whether it is the pulpit, Sunday school classroom, small group studies, or personal conversations about God and His will,
The Insufficiency of Scripture (Part 1)
If you walk into any evangelical or pentecostal church, you are unlikely to find a pastor or church leader who will deny the authority or inerrancy of the Bible. Those parts of the Reformation doctrine of sola scriptura are not
The Role of Sound Hermeneutics in the Southeast Asia Church
What role does hermeneutics play in Southeast Asian Churches? Does it even play a role? Technically, the answer is “yes”, for a reader always uses some method of interpretation when approaching the text. A better question might be, “What role
Proclaiming Christ in Asian Contexts
It is just a week away from the first Southeast Asia Reformed Conference. We’re excited that a good number of missionaries will be attending from several countries in this part of Asia. We’re praying that we will enjoy good fellowship
Is Orality the Enemy of Expositional Preaching?
In recent years, the concept of orality has gotten a lot of attention in mission circles… and not all of it has been good. Proponents of orality hail it as a key insight into the way in which some people
Proclaiming Christ from the Epistles
In many churches and seminaries, when preaching styles are compared, usually the two parties being compared are expository preaching and topical preaching. If those in the conversation are aware of the significant differences, generally they are in favor of expository
Moralistic Shrapnel and the Importance of Proclaiming Christ from the Gospels
“But these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.” (John 20:31 ESV) The Apostle John wrote his Gospel with two