India_-_Sights_and_Culture_-_024_-_Epitome_of_painted_public_space_(1981186788)What is the basis for the fact that the Scriptures are the ultimate, infallible authority over faith and life? It is quite simply that they are the Word of God. In them we are brought face to face with our creator and redeemer. The Scriptures are not simply a collection of moral principles or deep theological truths, they are God’s love story to us, drawing us into deeper, more intimate fellowship with him.

What this doctrine presupposes is that there is a creator and that we are his creation. It presupposes that objective truth is not only possible, but is defined by the one who is the truth. The idea of Scriptures being our ultimate authority over faith and life only makes sense within a consistent Christian worldview. Our challenge is that we are ministering in a context where this simple distinction between the creator and creation is often not known, accepted, or taught. In its place is a worldview that compartmentalizes different spheres of life with no ultimate authority outside ourselves. In fact authorities and powers are things to be manipulated or appeased in order to gain personal benefit or protection from harm. Truth is relative.

How then do we apply the doctrine of Sola Scriptura in this challenging context? Come and join the discussion at the 2016 SEANG Conference in Bangkok!

photo credit: Mckay Savage

Sola Scriptura: Scriptures and Worldviews

Authored by Dr. Lloyd Kim

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