Worship God and Enjoy Him Forever – our conference this year is coming very soon!
Are you coming?
It is not too late to register! Online registration will close on October 24th.
So don’t wait, plan your trip and join us from Nov 8-10th in Bangkok Thailand.
It will be a blessed time. Each year we gather together from far and wide for fellowship, worship, encouragement, and edification. We discuss, learn, and explore how we can best serve God and the people around us in accordance to His Word and for His Glory. In previous years we have had attendees coming from up to 15 different countries. We encourage all to come, encourage your brothers and sisters in Christ to come as well!
New on our Conference web page: details about our schedule, workshops, and sessions. This year’s sessions and workshops will be deep and rich, expounding on Worship, from the scriptures, focused on the one True God and Our Lord Jesus Christ. More details here.
Will you join us? Register today! Click here.
In similar words as Paul from his letter to the Romans,
“We long to see you, that we may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you— that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine.”