It is written in 1Timothy 2:1-2: 
“First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.”

What shall we do then, when leaders we support are removed, and others take their place? Most of us would have already heard of the present situation in Myanmar, where the army seized control of the government in a coup during the past week. Christians in Myanmar have reason to fear, because for decades the military persecuted the church. It was only in recent years that the persecution lifted – partly because of the then democratically-elected government, and partly because the army’s attention was turned against the Rohingya Muslims.

Christians in Myanmar are a minority, and do not have the power to change politics. Nor should the church attempt to gain worldly influence, in any case. Yet our God reigns over all, and indeed brings things to pass for the good of those who are called according to his purpose. Therefore, although the church is often powerless in the face of injustice and military might, we are yet able to appeal to the Most High. God is sovereign; he brings the mighty low and raises up whomever he wills. Although Christians are not to rise up in violence, we are to pray for the peace of the state so that we may live in peace (Jeremiah 29:7).

In the words of Martin Luther, “prayer is a strong wall and fortress of the church; it is a goodly Christian weapon.”

The following are a few prayer points shared by a pastor in Myanmar, listed from the specific to the general.

  1. Pray for our president Mr. Win Myint, who was forced to leave the president residence.
  2. Pray for the health of Ms. Aung San Su Kyi; she may be released on 15 February 2021, so pray for her to have wisdom and courage to lead the country again.
  3. Pray for the safety and release of Ms. Cherry Htet (Su Kyi’s bodyguard), who pointed her pistol at the forehead of a general during the arrest of Su Kyi at her house – currently nobody knows where they have taken this lady.
  4. Pray for the NLD party: the members of parliament and other leaders are trying to work together against the junta, but they can only succeed if the Lord gives them wisdom and power.
  5. Pray for General Min Aung Hlaing, the junta leader, that the Lord may touch his heart and cause him to repent from what he has done to this country.
  6. Pray that the regime may not repeat their former methods of punishment against politicians and anyone who opposes them.
  7. Pray for the people of Myanmar, that they might have courage and wisdom in the face of this regime.
  8. Pray for the Christians in Myanmar, that the Gospel might be proclaimed more widely than before even during this difficult time.

[Introduction by the editor.]

How to Pray for Post-Coup Myanmar

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