For both missionaries and pastors, there may be no issue more critical for increase of character and competency than that of disciplines of godliness. Many young people who claim they sense a divine call to take the gospel across the
Seven Things to Pray for Missionaries

There are numerous ways a church can pray in order to bless their missionaries. Because the church might not always know those immediate, pressing issues in the missionary’s life, praying from God’s Word is always valuable and applicable in every
Luther, the Law & Evangelism

I have been doing evangelism for years and in all my training, and until a few years ago, I cannot remember ever learning how to use the law in evangelism. In the past, my evangelism efforts have started with telling
Proclaiming Christ from the Epistles

In many churches and seminaries, when preaching styles are compared, usually the two parties being compared are expository preaching and topical preaching. If those in the conversation are aware of the significant differences, generally they are in favor of expository
“To the Teaching and to the Testimony”: Biblical Spirituality

John Stott once said that there are two main expressions of spirituality throughout church history: evangelical and mystical. In the SEARC breakout session on Biblical Spirituality, we are going to compare and contrast biblical/evangelical spirituality with Christian mysticism. In what