Registration is now open for the 2018 South East Asia Network for the Gospel Conference! With the conference not too far away, we are excited to open registration for all. “Worship God and Enjoy Him Forever!” is our theme this
Experiences at the the 2017 Conference

I’m what you might call a “third-career” missionary. My wife and I currently serve in rural Thailand, but in former versions of myself, I’ve been an engineer and a patent attorney. I’ve perched on the lower rungs of the corporate
Worship God and Enjoy Him Forever!
Worship God and Enjoy Him Forever! This is our theme for this year’s conference. When we think of worship, what comes first to mind? Perhaps for most, we think of singing and music in church. While this is one expression
Announcing the 2018 Conference!
The South East Asia Network for the Gospel joyfully announces the 5th Annual Conference: Worship God and Enjoy Him Forever! November 8-10, 2018 in Bangkok, Thailand. Our theme this year is Worship, in every aspect of our lives:
2017 Conference Audio Online
Our 2017 conference, “Shepherding Christ’s Church in Southeast Asia” was a wonderful time together with brothers and sisters in Christ from many different places. We were all encouraged and edified. If you were unable to make it, we missed you!
Our 4th Annual Conference is here!
Our 4th Annual Conference, “Shepherding Christ’s Church in Southeast Asia” is here, from November 9-11. Online registration is closed, but walk-in registrations are still welcome. If you’re in the area join us! The conference is being held at the Avana Bangkok
How Pastoral Training Should Be Done

If we were to survey church leaders around the world and throughout history about the best way to train pastors, what do you think they would say? Would there be a consensus about how it should be done? Would they
Characteristics Of A Strong Spiritual Leader

In Judges 14:15 the lords of the Philistines said to Delilah, “Entice your husband….” The word entice means “to find a weakness.” The Philistines sent Delilah on a search and destroy mission against Samson. Samson was a one man wrecking
Leading from the Text
For both missionaries and pastors, there may be no issue more critical for increase of character and competency than that of disciplines of godliness. Many young people who claim they sense a divine call to take the gospel across the
Developing Pastors through Doctrine

One of the chief roles of the church is to equip the saints to do the work of ministry (Eph 4:12). One of the ministries for which the saints are to be equipped is the planting of churches with pastoral