Worship God and Enjoy Him Forever! 

Online Registration is Closed.
registrations at the conference are more than welcome!
For any questions please contact us: registrar@seagospel.net

This is our theme for this year’s conference. When we think of worship, what comes first to mind? Perhaps for most, we think of singing and music in church. While this is one expression of worship, there are many more! Worship is not something we do once or twice a week but it is our daily, continual response to God, for who He is and what He does. Worship springs forth from our knowledge of God, through His revealing Himself to us, most clearly in Jesus Christ and in the Bible.

Worship takes place in our personal lives, in our families, in our churches and small groups, in missions and in all cultures. Biblical worship according to God’s will and Word is the right Worship of God and how we Enjoy Him forever.

Join us this November 8-10 in Bangkok, Thailand as we delve into these topics and more. Our speaker this year is Ron Man, the Director of Worship Resources International. We will be are encouraged and edified together to Worship God and hope to see you there!

The conference will be held at Sena Place Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand.

Scroll down for details on the plenary sessions, workshops, and schedule!


Plenary Sessions and Workshops

Plenary Sessions, led by Ron Man director of Worship Resources International.

  1. The Gospel: A Call to Worship
    – Worship is a subject of great interest and often controversy in our times. (Hence the conference theme.) Hence the importance of going to the Scriptures for guidance. In this session we will explore how worship is a central unifying theme in all human, biblical and redemptive history.
  2. Jesus, Our True Worship Leader
    – We need to repent of trying to worship in our own strength. Jesus is our one way to the Father: true worship is in, through, with and even by Him.
  3. The Bridge: Worship and Culture
    – How can we be both biblically faithful and culturally relevant in our worship? We need to rigorously distinguish between the Bible actually commands, and what it leaves open for cultural adaptation.
  4. Plenary Session 4: Panel Discussion and Q&A with session and workshop speakers



  1. Worship and the Church: What the Bible Says about Corporate Worship. (Ron Man)
    – Surprisingly, the New Testament gives very little in the way of actual directives for our worship services. But there are certainly principles to guide us in our decisions about worship practices.
  2. Worship and the Family: What the Bible Says about Leading Our Families in Worship. (Sherman Malachi)
    – The Lord’s prayer (aka “the Disciple’s Prayer) has been memorized by many Christians all over the world. It has been chanted and repeated. But what is the true meaning behind it? Join us as we dive into the text to see what Jesus demands of our mindsets and the implications towards worshiping as a family unit.
  3. Worship and the Called: What the Bible Says about Our Spiritual Disciplines. (Jon Hoglund)
    – Spiritual disciplines are God’s initiative and they take place as part of the church’s life. Spiritual disciplines don’t come first before our corporate worship with God’s people. Rather, spiritual disciplines are our response to what we have already seen and heard in corporate worship.
  4. Inclusive Worship: For all the church (Timothy Quek)
    – We know that the whole church is called to worship. In practice, however, groups of people are sometimes overlooked. How can we make worship inclusive for both young and old, rich and poor? What about gender imbalance and people who use a different language?
  5. Worship and the Pastor: The importance of worship in pastoral education and pastoral ministry. (Ron Man)
    – In many churches today, pastors have “outsourced” worship leadership to church musicians and others. But there is a crucial role for the pastor to play in giving guidance to the church’s worship.



Day 1 – Thursday Nov 8

11:00 – Arrivals & Registration
13:45 – Introduction and Worship
14:15 – Plenary 1: The Gospel: A Call to Worship (Ron Man)
15:30 – Personal Introductions followed by coffee break
16:15 – Workshop 1: Worship and the Church: What the Bible Says about Corporate Worship. (Ron Man)

17:15 – Dinner

18:30 – Workshop 2: Worship and the Family: What the Bible Says about Leading Our Families in Worship. (Sherman Tjiong)
19:45 – Round Table Discussion
20:30 – Free conversation, break
21:00 – Dismiss for the night

Day 2 – Friday Nov 9

07:00 – Breakfast (for those staying at the hotel)
08:30 – Introduction and Worship
09:00 – Plenary 2: Jesus, Our True Worship Leader (Ron Man)
10:15 – coffee break
10:30 – Workshop 3: Worship and the Called: What the Bible Says about Our Spiritual Disciplines. (Jonathan Hoglund)
11:30 – Intra-country Groups 1

12:00 – Lunch

13:15 – Workshop 4: Worship and the Pastor: How are they involved in worship (Ron Man)
14:15 – coffee break
14:30 – Intra-country Groups 2
15:30 – break & group photo
15:45 – Workshop 5: Inclusive Worship: For all the church (Timothy Quek)
16:45 – break/transition

17:00 – Dinner

18:15 – Introduction and Worship
18:45 – Plenary 3: The Bridge: Worship and Culture (Ron Man)
20:00 – break
20:15 – Round Table Discussion
21:00 – Dismiss for the night

Day 3 – Saturday Nov 10

07:00 – Breakfast (for those staying at the hotel)
08:30 – Introduction and Worship
09:00 – Plenary 4 Panel Discussion
10:15 – coffee break
10:30 – Intra-country Prayer Meeting
12:00 – Lunch and farewells



Main Speaker

Ron Man

 Ron Man

Our main speaker this year is Ron Man, he will be leading us through the theme of Worship – from a biblical foundation and carried out through all aspects of our lives.

Rev. Dr. Ron Man (M.M., Th.M., D.Min.) trained as an orchestra conductor, later attended Dallas Theological Seminary and has served as a pastor, missionary, and worship pastor. He is presently Pastor of Worship and Missionary in Residence at First Evangelical Church in Memphis, Tennessee, and also Director of Worship Resources International.

He has taught on worship in 35 countries, maintains a website of free worship resources (www.worr.org), authors a monthly newsletter Worship Notes (wornotes.wordpress.com), and posts daily Worship Quotables (worr.wordpress.com; #WorshipQuotables). He wrote Proclamation and Praise: Hebrews 2:12 and the Christology of Worship (Wipf & Stock, 2007).


Workshop Speakers

Jonathan Hoglund

Jonathan Hoglund lives in Vietnam and serves as lecturer in theology at Hanoi Bible College. He works with Training Leaders International to promote theological education for the church. He is also the author of Called by Triune Grace (IVP, 2016).

Sherman Tjiong

Sherman Tjiong is the Pastor of Bethany Evangelical Church – the first and oldest EFC church in Singapore. He is a committed sequential expository preacher and enjoys digging deep into the text to find the theology . He is married with 2 children and resides in Singapore. He is also director at B-read, who will be making books and other resources available for sale.

Timothy Quek

Timothy Quek is a member of First Evangelical Reformed Church in Singapore, although he has been in Thailand for the past three years pursuing a master’s and now doctoral degree in engineering. He had been involved in para-church: volunteering at Creation Ministries International and helping out IFES-linked ministries as a student. At present, Timothy edits for the SEANG blog and is occasionally asked to preach at a small local Thai church.


Online Registration is Closed. Walk-in registrations at the conference are more than welcome!
For any questions please contact us: registrar@seagospel.net

  • Registration fee is 95 USD, which covers meals and other conference related fees.
    (Thursday – Dinner; Friday – Lunch & Dinner, Saturday – Lunch)
  • Room rate is 55 USD (2 nights, double occupancy).
  • Breakfast on Friday and Saturday is included with the Hotel room for those staying at Sena Place Hotel.

For any questions regarding registration, please contact us (registrar@seagospel.net).

We hope to see you at the Conference!

2018 Annual Conference

3 thoughts on “2018 Annual Conference

  • September 13, 2018 at 7:30 pm

    Hi Dear Friends
    I would like to come and attend the construction is that possible to help me free registration.

  • September 18, 2018 at 9:14 pm

    Dear Friends .
    I would like to and attend Conference is that possible to help me for Registration fees and accommodation so that will great blessings for me in the ministry in India.

    Looking for ward to hear from you.

    • September 19, 2018 at 9:20 am

      Dear Naveen Kumar, we thank you for your interest in the conference. However, as we are all volunteers, we are unable to pay for your registration and accommodation fees at this point in time. While we hope that you’ll still be able to come to the conference, the audio recordings would also be made available online after the event so that those who did not attend can still benefit from it. Thanks again and God bless!


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