Martin Luther coined the phrases Theologian of Glory and Theologian of the Cross. At first glance, both titles seem praiseworthy. Yet these two theologians stand in opposition to one another. The message conveyed by Luther, is the biblical notion that
Saved From What? – Proclaiming the Wrath of God
Is wrath really essential to proclaiming the Gospel? Or can we set is aside, leaving it for a later date, lest we lose people before they even enter the church door? Why do we Need a Savior? I am
When You and Your Mission Agency Head in Opposite Directions
In the world of missions today, it is rare to find a missionary who is solely funded by their home church, let alone sent out by their home church with respect to who directly funds their ministry. Even the Southern
The Role of Sound Hermeneutics in the Southeast Asia Church
What role does hermeneutics play in Southeast Asian Churches? Does it even play a role? Technically, the answer is “yes”, for a reader always uses some method of interpretation when approaching the text. A better question might be, “What role
Law, Gospel & How We Understand Scripture
“Hence, whoever knows well this art of distinguishing between Law and Gospel, him place at the head and call him a doctor of Holy Scripture.” [1] – Martin Luther Martin Luther was passionate about making this distinction. Before his conversion, confusion
Moralistic Shrapnel and the Importance of Proclaiming Christ from the Gospels
“But these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.” (John 20:31 ESV) The Apostle John wrote his Gospel with two