One of the perennial questions about Christianity in Thailand is why the church has traditionally grown so slowly compared to other countries where Protestant missionaries arrived around the same time. Ultimately, we don’t know for sure why the church grows
Witness is Proclamation
Part 2 of a series on “My Witnesses”. In two previous posts (here and here) I laid out my intention to bring some clarity to the role of Mercy Ministry in the Church’s mission. In my last post, the first
“My Witnesses” and Mercy Ministry
Part 1 of a series on “My Witnesses”. In a previous article, I argued that the ministries of Word and deed are distinct and inseparable. I tried to show in what ways they are distinct and then, because of Christ’s
Why Missionaries Need Teams
If you had 12 missionary families (or pairs of singles) and an unreached people group numbering millions of people spread over a large geographic area, how would you place them for optimal church planting effectiveness? Would you pick 12 key
Mercy Ministry in Mission Strategy
Frequently in mission endeavors, we encounter those who are not only destitute of gospel witness but also are suffering severely – materially, physically, and psychologically. How should this suffering impact mission strategy? Issues of Mercy and Justice have captivated the
100 years of the Gospel in Hanoi, Vietnam
There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call— one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and
In Praise of Prayer Groups
This article was first published at the SYZYGY website. Its author is Alex Hawke. J.O. Fraser, missionary to China with OMF in the early part of the 20th century1, learnt much about prayer while reaching out to the Lisu people,
J. H. Bavinck: A Missionary you Should Know
I’m sure we’d all agree that our missionary and evangelistic methods should be derived scripturally. However, how many of these methods have actually considered the nature of the world religions from biblical perspective. Surely, this must be one of our
Seven Things to Pray for Missionaries
There are numerous ways a church can pray in order to bless their missionaries. Because the church might not always know those immediate, pressing issues in the missionary’s life, praying from God’s Word is always valuable and applicable in every
Saved From What? – Proclaiming the Wrath of God
Is wrath really essential to proclaiming the Gospel? Or can we set is aside, leaving it for a later date, lest we lose people before they even enter the church door? Why do we Need a Savior? I am